Grosse Pointe Villa
Condominium Association

17620 Mack Avenue, #53, Grosse Pointe, MI 48230


GPVCA is an association of condominium co-owners in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Our complex includes 42
one-bedroom units and 10 two-bedroom units. GPVCA utilizes the services of JS Dean and associates; to handle daily matters such as 24/7 calls, Association Fee collection, financial reporting ETC. JS Dean and associates reports to the GPVCA board of directors who authorize financial transactions and work to communicate matters to ownership.

The percentage of units that may be non-owner occupied is dictated by the 2013 Amendment to the Condominium By-Laws. “Non-owner occupied” includes both renters and family members or friends not named on the deed. Units purchased must be occupied by the person named on the deed unless the purchaser has received written permission from the Board of Directors, prior to closing, permitting a non-owner to occupy the unit. Prospective purchasers must contact a local real estate agent. Board Members do not engage in the buying and selling of units.

This website is to grant realtors and association co-owners access to our By-Laws and the Co-Owner Information Form and the Designated Voting Representative Form. The last two forms must be signed at closing and mailed to the above address. The website also provides the opportunity for realtors and our co-owners to contact the Board of Directors.

Grosse Pointe Villa Condominium Association

17620 Mack Avenue, #53, Grosse Pointe, MI 48230

Board of Directors information:

Our Documents

Please use the following links to download available documents. Thank you.

Condominium By-Laws

Association By-Laws

Co-Owner Information Form

2013 Amendment to Condo By-Laws

1998 Amendment to Assn. By-Laws

Designated Voting Representative Form

GPVCA Handbook


Please use the following form to send us a message. Thank you.